This book is about the socio-economic lives and challenges faced by women in Urban Informal Sector, in a metropolitan city like Mumbai. As per 2001 census, 23 per cent of women are in the workforce, 94 per cent of the total working women are in Informal Sector. The book centers on primary involvement of women in flower selling business which is non
manufacturing Informal enterprises owned and managed by women. There is a strong linkage between the Informal sector and economic security of women. As against the normal
perception, that women cannot do anything on her own and have to depend on male counterpart or someone for work and decision making is not the case in Flower selling business of Informal Sector. This flower selling industry is important compared to other enterprises in the informal sector because it promotes the spiritual tradition and the industry is dominated largely by uneducated women as per the study. In addition this business is one of the fastest growing business.
Women and Urban Informal Sector
S.A. Mishra