The role of ecologists and environmentalists is very vital. Unluckily, our economic growth is of a damaging variety based on extraction and consumption of fossil fuels, water, timber, minerals and other resources. Public awareness should centre round population growth, cropland destruction and degradation, depletion in the quality of soil and water, forest destruction etc. So, attention must be focused on the links between poverty, population growth and environmental decline and to devise strategies that simultaneously address the root causes. Efforts should be made to raise women’s social and economic status, to give them equal rights to choose. Business leaders, religious communities and all have to join hands to halt earth’s environmental deterioration. Then the scientists’ “Warning to Humanity” may end and the human community may live sustainable on the earth.
Environmental Awareness
Author: L.R. Patro
ISBN: 9788183566384
Binding: H.B
1st Edition: 2010
Reprinted: 2019
Pages: 294