The success of Special Education Programmes whether it is in integrated or segregated set up to a large extent depends on the teachers who are working in that particular system. Infact, the teachers in Special education requires right type of Awareness, Attitude, Skills and Competences to deal children with various disabilities, who are enrolled in special and normal schools. In other sense, awareness leads to the development of better attitudes, which in turn facilitate to acquire better skills and competences that reflect in the form of teacher performance. Research works that focus on awareness, attitude and competencies of special and normal school teachers, identification of infrastructure facilities available in special and normal schools for children with disabilities, and attitude of non disabled peers towards their disabled peers go a long way for development of awareness generation, attitudinal building and education programs both in-service and pre-service to the teachers. Such studies also facilitate for better policy planning, development and implementation in terms of providing adequate infrastructure and manpower facilities to the special as well as normal schools. Keeping the above in mind, this book focused its attention on development of rating scales to identify the awareness, attitude and competencies of special and normal schools teachers. More than this, this book attempts to the development of attitude scale to assess the attitude of non disabled peers towards disabled children and development of checklist to identify the infrastructure facilities available in special and normal schools. This book also gives an exhaustive review under different heading related to the title i.e., Studies on children with disabilities, Studies on awareness of teachers towards children with disabilities, Studies on attitude of teachers towards children with disabilities and Studies on competencies of teachers in dialing children with disabilities. This book gives a clear cut picture about the different aspects that the special and normal schools teachers require better awareness, attitude, competencies and ways and means of developing the same in them. More than this, it is a good resource book to the special education teachers, students, educational planners and administrators for organization and implementation of special education programs both in integrated and inclusive set up.
Children with Disabilities: Awareness, Attitude and Competencies of Teachers
SKU: 9788183561297
- G.L. Reddy