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Description:- Biology forms an important part in school education. Most young children come eagerly to school to learn many things with great curiosity. Biology fulfils their curiosity and helps them utilise its knowledge in their daily life. No other school subject except biology can satisfy the living requirements of the learners. Achievement in any educational institution may be taken to mean some desirable learning that is observed in the student. Measurement of achievement is necessary for classification guidance and evidence of effort. It is the indication of the degree of mastery of subject matter and the prediction of future success. The investigators identified an average level of biology achievement in the secondary school students. The students studying in rural school, government schools, residential school and English medium schools were better in their achievement than their counterparts. The better infra-structural, laboratory, library, teaching and learning facilities in each of the schools played a commendable role in deciding the achievement in biology. This study can help the teachers of biology to improve the quantity of biology teaching and learning in our educational institutions.

Achievement in Biology

SKU: 9788171412648
  • Author: D.B. Rao

    Subject: Education

    ISBN: 9788171412648

    Binding: H.B

    1st Edition: 1994

    Reprinted: 2017

    Pages: 102

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