
“Discovery” literally meaning “research” started publishing activities around “1983” with a small office in New Delhi. With an humble beginning, publishing reference books in all academic disciplines, Discovery made great achievements in publishing industry and soon emerge as a leading publishing company. Now Discovery has reached around the globe.
Taking publishing as a mission to spread knowledge and learning, Discovery has achieved the distinction of top position in publishing education titles. So far Discovery has published over 2000 reference and text books in discipline of education covering different academic subjects like: Education, chemistry, Biology,Zoology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Medical, Military Science, Veterinary Science, Forensic Science, Psychology, anthropology, Science and Technology, Sericulture, Sports, Nanotechnology, Journalism, English Literature, Engineering, Fisheries, Hospitality, Human Rights, Physics, Mathematics, Botany, Geography, Geology, Tourism, Religion, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Studies, Home Science, Women Studies,Economics, Commerce & Management, Sociology, Political Science, History, Public Administration, Encyclopedias, General etc. Besides this Discovery has a huge range of high standard reference books and text books meant for under graduate, post graduate and research students. With a wide network of marketing with manpower of competent person, Discovery has an outstanding personality in publishing industry under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Tilak Wasan, Director of “Discovery Publishing House”, the Company is growing fast ahead. Helping hands, cooperation and togetherness of the company with the book trade and their clients have led Discovery reach new heights.